Assignment 2. PHP Functions

1. Create a function that will accept a date input and format it into mm/dd/yyyy format.

Today is: 03, 15, 2025
In the US is the month displayed before the day.

2. Create a function that will accept a date input and format it into mm/dd/yyyy format to use when working with interantional dates.

Today is: 15, 03, 2025
In other countries the date displayed before the month.

3. Create a function that will accept a string input. It will do the following things to the string:


Hello. My name is Inego Montoya.
You killed my father. Prepare to die.

The number of charachers in this name is 13.

This is the name in lower case inego montoya.

4. Create a function that will accept a number and display it as a formatted number. Use 1234567890 for your testing.

The number 123456789 is formatted as 123,456,789.

5. Create a function that will accept a number and display it as US currency. Use 123456 for your testing.

The price of your car is $2,015,600.00 .

However, if you purchase the car in Italy the price would be EUR 22.950.100,00 .

Examples of dispaying time in different time zones.

Your current time is 7:46 am. CDT

If you want to call your friend in California, thier time is currently 5:46 am. PDT

If you want to call your friend in New York, thier time is currently 8:46 am. EDT