Assignment 1. PHP Basics

1. Create a variable called yourName. Assign it a value of your name.
3. Use HTML to put an h2 element on the page. Use PHP to display your name inside the element using the variable.

Carin Murphy

2. Display the assignment name in an h1 element on the page. Include the elements in your output.

Assignment 1. PHP Basics.

4. Create the following variables: number1, number2 and total. Assign a value to them.
5. Display the value of each variable and the total variable when you add them together.


6.Use PHP to create a Javascript array with the following values: PHP,HTML,Javascript. Output this array using PHP. Create a script that will display the values of this array on your page. NOTE: Remember PHP is building the array not running it. Javascript will use the array once the page is processed and returned to the client's browser where HTML and Javascript will do their thing.

The code below is an array in php that I looked up in w3shcools:

I like PHP, HTML and Javascript.

I don't really like Javascript. It makes me cry.