Element Selectors:The CSS rule will affect all of the selected elements on a page.
W3Schools on the Element Selector.
Group Selectors: Applies the same CSS rule to all occurrences of the elements. Elements are separated by a comma.
h1, h2, h3
W3Schools on the Grouped Selectors.
Descendant Selectors: A descendant selector is a type of a combinator (combined selector). It Applies a CSS rule to all child elements of a parent element. Unlike grouped selectors descendant selectors do NOT contain a comma.
ul li
This styles the list item, but only if it is in an unorderd list.
W3Schools on the Descendant Selector.
Class Selectors: Allows us to connect CSS to one or more elements, of any type, on the page. Class selectors always begin with the . (period) symbol in the CSS. There can be multiple class selectors within a given web page. There are TWO types of class selectors:
Independent Class Selector: can be applied to any element.
.title {color:red:}
Dependent Class Selector: works only with a specific element.
p.title {color:blue:}
Classes must be called in the html code in order to take effect!html Example:
p class="title" {color:red:}
W3Schools on the Class Selector.
ID Selectors: Like the class selector, the ID also allows us to connect CSS to a Element, of any type, on the page. Unlike the class selctor, an ID selector should only be used ONCE on the page. ID selectors always begin with the # (has) symbol in the CSS.
#container {background-color:beige:}
Like classes, ID must be called in the html code in order to take effect!html Example:
Pseudo-Class Selectors: A class in CSS but not directly defined in HTML such as the behavior of hyperlinks. For this reason pseudo-class selectors are most commonly use is to modify links.
a:link (The link before it has been clicked. If you use any of these selectors this must be the first one on the list.) a:visited (The link after is has been clicked.) a:hover (The link when the mouse is on it.) a:active (The link when the mouse button is held down)W3Schools on the Pseudo Class Selector.
Pseudo Elements: A pseudo element is added to a seletor to style just a portion of the element such as the first line OR the first character.
hyperlinks. For this reason pseudo-class selectors are most commonly use is to modify links.Example:
p::first letter {color:red:}
Universal Selector: Selects and styles ALLelements in a web page/site. The universal selector begins with the * (star) symbol and has no name.
* {color:red:}
W3Schools on the universal selector.
The Span element: The span element is used as an Inline element to apply a class to one or more characters or words within html text. Create a class, then apply the class to the span tag.